Earth Oracle Arts

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Emma Lischwe {Volcano, Big Island}

Greetings, Fellow Earthling!

I am Emma Helen Lischwe.

I am a Somatic Womb Alchemist and Cacao Facilitator Initiate helping all souls who fear that they are unlovable, are too much, or are not enough to heal with their own inner expert with Just Add Magik. You have all the answers within. Sometimes we just need help accessing that wisdom.

I started working with Naomi almost a decade ago with the intention of moving trauma through my body. The result has shaped my whole life: I have healed more profoundly than I could have imagined and stepped more fully into myself than I would have dared to dream. Wise Womb Medicine has taught me the gifts of gratitude, transparency, and love.

With Naomi as my guru and guide, I learned about my body, deepened my rituals and spiritual practices, and have been immersed in the Temple of the Womb Apprenticeship, the Somatic Womb Alchemy Apprenticeship, Cacao Facilitator Initiation, and the Resonance framework as a way of living life as ceremony. The Wise Womb Way has saved my life in many ways.

I am also working for Earth Oracle Arts as the Real World Alchemist, Spell Witch, and Tarot Diviner. Learn more about what I do by clicking here.

I am


White light

Everything all at once

Rainbows and rain clouds

I am fascinated

Tickled and giggled

By oh so many things

Life is about the joy of remembering when you forget

Life is full of cycles


No fear of death

But equally important

No fear of living

I am learning how to fiercely heal myself

A state of being that is embodied, visceral, grounded, open, and always in process, this is home.

There is a dream deep within me of a world connected, where we tend to the Earth and each other with such gentleness, such generosity. To be in community with others on this journey, to hold space for one another so that we may heal collectively is truly an honor.

I am so honored to be here with you.