Earth Oracle Arts

Resonance Ritual

20 self-paced modules, 50 + hours of transmissions, ceremonies, rituals & teachings sharing with you how to navigate this plane of existence and how to liberate yourself from old patterns that no longer serve you and so you can manifest the life of your dreams.


You are an energetic being in a vibrational universe…



Is this You?

Do you take on the energies and pains of others?

Do you mistake wound matching for attraction?

Do you struggle to put your spiritual practice into action, when it really counts?

Do you tend to bypass pain with positivity or coping mechanisms?

Do you want to learn the Art of Responsible Relating? 

Do you question yourself and wonder if you are on the right path?

Have you found yourself in a blame or shame spiral?

Do you often feel like your needs are not met in your relationships?

Do you struggle to set healthy boundaries for yourself and in your relationships?

Do you tend to give until you give out and end up feeling resentful?

Do you experience trauma patterns or negative cycles that keep repeating themselves?

Do you want to learn how to track the patterns of “self-sabotage”?

Would you like to bring more peace to places of war within yourself?

If you resonate with any of these..


Before finding the Resonance Ritual, I was struggling with depression and overcome with emotions of despair. I had really lost my connection to the universe and to myself. The Resonance work really supported me in coming back to myself in joy. I am so grateful to you, Naomi.
— Alison



…Walking through the world without taking on the pain and struggles of others…

…Being free of shame and blame spiral…

…Your sacred needs being met…

…Setting healthy boundaries for yourself and in your relationships…

…Giving from a full cup, without burnout or resentment…

…Having the tools to integrate your spiritual practices into daily life…

…Feeling empowered to embrace challenges with grace…

…Having an unwavering trust in yourself and your inner knowing… 

…Knowing how to live your life as a spirit in form…

…Being liberatated from old patterns that no longer serve you

…Stepping fully into the joy of your true purpose and nature…

…Feeling aligned with all aspects of yourself… 

…Having healthy reciprocal relationships that add joy to your life…

All of this is possible… and it starts with Resonance.


The Resonance Ritual



The Resonance Ritual consists of 20 powerful, tangible, and relatable teachings each with guided meditations, self-reflection processes, daily-life implementation, and integration practices giving you a more profound understanding of how to live life as a Spirit in form.

Your Resonance is the song your energy sings, it is your vibe, the energy that you emit out into the world. Your Resonance is affected by your life experiences, your thoughts, your beliefs, your habits, the company you keep, the environment, what you watch, what you talk about, and what you listen to.

Resonance gives you the skills in approaching all aspects of life: dharma, love, your physical body, environment, personal well-being, health, wealth, relationships, spirit, and home. It teaches you how to approach dissonance inside of these aspects of life so you can cultivate more harmony in each of these realms. You will cultivate a healthier response to the world around you, experience reciprocal relationships, joy, and reflections of kindness and inspiration.

The ancient ones had a powerful understanding of how the energy of Resonance works. They understood the basic laws of this plane of existence, of Earth, the stars, and the laws of the Universe.

Without this understanding, humanity continues to dig themselves deeper and deeper into a life of separation, pain, struggle, and suffering. The Resonance Ritual is a way out of the cycle of suffering that is samsara.

The Resonance Ritual shares with you the KEYS to overcome repeating negative cycles and patterns once and for all. When you are caught in the wounded part of yourself you continue to attract similar experiences that seemingly prove your wounding as Truth.

You will learn how to expand your perception so that you can see a bigger picture, the macrocosmic worldview, and see how your old patterns are keeping you safe. Once you’re able to meet this part of you and give it what it needs, it will no longer wish to perpetuate cycles of struggle to validate itself or to try to protect you.

You will learn how to discern whether resistance or chaos is a sign of misalignment or if it’s just energy that needs to be transformed.

Learn the tools needed to gently journey into your inner realms to dismantle, dissolve, clear and let go of what isn’t yours, in order to embody your true nature’s Resonance.

You can finally bring healing to the places of dissonance and separation that have been programmed into humanity and how we have been taught to relate with ourselves and the world around us.

It is through these teachings that you will find your True Self and take aligned action to manifest the life of your dreams.

The Resonance Ritual is for EVERYONE. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, Resonance can support you in living as a Spirit in human form.

You will learn the essential foundational tools and the proper practices to liberate yourself from old patterns and conditioning that no longer serve you.


The Resonance Ritual was profound for me. I really learned where I was holding myself back in my language and in the way I was thinking about things. It was a very deep experience and I feel changed in so many ways. Many patterns of disharmony showed themselves and I was able to meet what arose with the tools shared in the course. I have experienced a lot of trauma and really felt this course was supportive to healing the roots of those traumas.
— Jenny Taylor

Hear from past participants

I think Naomi’s work is one of the deepest and wisest I have experienced. I am only a few weeks into the Resonance Ritual and already my time has allowed me to see myself clearer, which is precisely what I was seeking.
— Maria Sat Prakash Kaur
In the Resonance Ritual so far I have noticed adjustments in my way of thinking and reasoning, and my thoughts and actions are much more conscious. I am finding pureness and ease when I am in my routine and in my resonance. I have little or no reaction, only a healthy response which nourishes my mind, body, spirit and soul.
— Monica Frances Ortega Blower
Thank you Naomi Love for this beautiful, safe nest container and for your teachings. This work has been hugely supportive for me through a time of big life transitions. Thank you to everyone here in this Resonance Ritual space for co-creating this field!
— Amara Amethyst
Thank you for introducing me to these practices. I feel so grateful for the opportunity to tend to the parts of me that have been neglected, and have further perpetuated shame and guilt in my life. The energy I receive from the full embrace of all of me surges through my body.
— Alyssa Zander

Upon Completion


🔥 Trust that you are supported.

🔥 Stop giving until you give out.

🔥 Stop putting everyone else first.

🔥 Show up more authentically for yourself.

🔥 Shift self-imposed limitations.

🔥 Understand what is yours and what isn’t.

🔥 Differentiate between your ego and your intuition.

🔥 Heal the places of internal war.

🔥 Feel safe surrendering into vulnerability.

🔥 Hold and maintain healthy boundaries for yourself and others.

🔥 Communicate more effectively with the world around you.

🔥 Break free from the patriarchal societal conditioning.

🔥 Shift how you relate to the world and how you digest your experiences, so you’re no longer overriding your true needs to please others.

🔥 Know how to recognize trauma patterns as they arise so you can shift them once and for all. 

🔥 Make healthy aligned decisions. 

🔥 Be empowered to set boundaries so you can cultivate healthy reciprocal relationships.

🔥 Experience beautiful reflections from the world in which you live, adding to the joy of your life.

🔥 Recognize when you’re out of resonance and how to attune yourself to get back into Resonance.


My favorite thing about working with Naomi Love is her authenticity… She is a grounded person that is easily to relate with. Spirit seems to pass through her with grace, helping guide us on our path while immersed in the beauty of our Mother Earth. You will learn things about yourself and the amazing world we live in, and how to truly connect and be grounded.
— Beth Sevilla

Inside the

Resonance Ritual



Understand yourself as an energetic being in a vibrational universe, so that you’ll recognize how you draw to you the experiences that match the energetic signature you radiate. If the experiences you are having aren’t reflecting back to you what you desire, these teachings will help you to change that once and for all.

Differentiate between Heart & Logic, Ego & Intuition and clarify how you communicate your energy to the world, allowing you to relate to the world around you in a harmonious and joyous way. This will support you in eliminating indecision and make aligned decisions that don’t override your sacred needs. 

Come into alignment with what you are dreaming for yourself, to see the self-imposed limitations that have been perpetuated and learn specific rituals and practices to shift the old narratives that no longer serve. 

Transmute core wounds in order to heal them once and for all. You’ll learn a simple 7-Step Inner Alchemy Process to meet what is arising within yourself and get to the root of trauma patterns. This enables you to begin to trust yourself and feel empowered in how you experience life and navigate your inner realms. 

Heal the gaps between the stories you tell yourself and the actions you take, so that you are walking your talk, not just talking. 

You will learn how to embody Resonance and direct it effortlessly in your work, life and relationships. Reframe the way you think about how life and the universe works in order to deconstruct, unwind, and unravel societal beliefs and social programming. Clear ancestral beliefs that have been perpetuated for generations once and for all.

Learn how to make empowered choices and invest and align with your essential self. Know where you may be caught in your this aspect of the self, and give it what it needs so it can be transmuted into an ally. 

Learn how to activate the spell of gratitude and learn how to reprogram how you experience the magical world around you… Shift where your attention goes and notice any tendency to focus on what's wrong or what's right.

You’ll learn how to attune yourself as an instrument by getting out of the ego and into intuition. Receive and embrace all that you are and feel supported in your decision-making, creating congruency in the heart, mind and body.

Learn how to tend to where you may be leaking, wasting or misusing your energy. Notice where there’s an imbalance in your relationships to yourself and others. Are you absorbing energy and creating agreements through energetic wound matching? Learn how to inhabit your own true resonance to create clarity, protection and responsible relating.

Learn to recognize toxic relationships that wear you down. Tap into mediation as a powerful way to recondition the brain and feel safe in love. Dive deep into the awareness of trauma, cycles and wound-matching so you can implement the necessary practices in order to have joy and reciprocal love. 

The reflection of what’s happening in the external world is a reflection of your internal world. The external environment will reflect your perspective until you shift your mindset and vibrational frequency to one that holds the full picture, the greater macrocosmic worldview. 

Learn how to stand in your personal authority, so you stop giving your power away to an authority figure (like a guru). Instead, start living rooted in personal responsibility and right relations with yourself and others.

Learn how to break the addiction to drama. You will no longer blame others to validate the wounded story. Rather stand in the truth of your experience and take responsibility for your perspective.

Learn how to meet your own needs and release the habit of overriding yourself or somebody else with an agenda. We’re no longer asking somebody to give us a gift that they didn’t want to give, or trying to give a gift that somebody didn’t want. Oftentimes in relating with others, we have expectations and can try to get our needs met in manipulative ways. Instead, when you are standing in your Sovereignty you are able to feel what is true for you.

Redirect your mind with prayer to support you in emulating what you want to be aligned with. Learn the key steps needed to create a powerful prayer that supports your intention and desire. 

Learn the Art of Spiritual Prescriptions to support you in aligning with your True Self & Spirit. Spiritual prescriptions are used to create the Resonance you want to embody and to mitigate the symptoms of spiritual dis-ease. 

Learn how to navigate what is happening inside of the body vs. the mind to connect to the feeling behind the pattern so you can begin resonating from your true resonance vs resonating from wound-matching. 

Learn how to ride the spiral that is the healing journey without succumbing to the conditioned belief that healing is linear. This helps you meet old wounds as they arise in new ways with the understanding that healing isn’t a one-and-done, but rather an ongoing unfolding of integration.




Lifetime Access to all 20 self-paced modules of the Resonance Ritual, featuring 50+ hours of life-changing content—ceremonies, rituals, transmissions, and teachings to help you break free from limiting patterns, master energetic boundaries, and awaken your inner magic. ($8,000 Value)

Bonuses Included:

  • Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of What You Are Going to Find – Video Download ($100 Value)

  • What to Do When Nothing Has Worked for You – Video Download ($100 Value)

  • Five-Part Cord Cutting Relationship Resolution Ritual ($500 Value)

  • Healing Codependency Video Download ($200 Value)

  • Wheel of Consent Video Download ($200 Value)


100% Safe and Secure Payments


Aloha Beauty, I am Naomi Love




I am so honored you are here with me. I would like to share with you how the Resonance Ritual came into being and how it has changed my life. These teachings are literally the strategy I was searching the world over to find.

The beginning part of my life was filled with trauma, a lack of safety and consistency. These experiences led me to become a seeker, I was determined to find a solution to the healing, shifting and changing the f’d up experiences I continued having. I knew in my heart that there was a different way, I just had to find the access point to it. 

Over the years I continued to explore both the inner and outer worlds to find what I was searching for. I continued to have really traumatic experiences manifest in my life, I received a lot of negative projection and was exhausted trying to find the solution. 

In 2015 I had something happen, I can’t express it all here but through what I call the Grand Event, I had an awakening that began to show me how to unravel the world I had lived inside of. I was shown how to create a new world, a new life that was healing, loving, kind, and reciprocal. It took years for me to integrate these teachings, to become a living example of them because I had to heal, let go, and navigate all that was in the way of LOVE. 

After years of experimenting, integrating, and practicing my life began to shift dramatically. I am no longer holding the Resonance of dissonance. I continue to heal the unwell patterns of my ancestors, I continue to show up and tend to myself, my inner realms. I continue to learn and grow and inside of all of this I have found the solution I was seeking and I am here to share it with you. 

These teachings have forever changed my life. They have shifted my relationship with myself and how I relate and experience the world around me. This work has powerfully impacted not only my life but also the lives of those have danced inside of the teachings and embodied it in their own ways.

I cannot wait to hear how this work supports you in aligning with your dreams, in aligning with love, kindness, reciprocal relationships and so much more. 

With Grace, Naomi Love






If you are still here

Take a deep breath and ask…

Are you ready to step out of dissonance and into resonance to live a more aligned life?


I am beyond grateful for these teachings. I was really caught in a cycle of struggle and the Resonance Ritual gave me the tools to step out of those cycles in an empowered way. I am now able to see where I get in my own way and have the tools to align myself with what it is I want to experience. It’s not a fluffy new age course, it is literally the handbook for living this life. I wish all humans knew this work.
— Geneva

“Before finding the Resonance Ritual, I was struggling with depression and overcome with emotions of despair. I had really lost my connection to the universe and to myself. The Resonance work really supported me in coming back to myself in joy. I am so grateful to you, Naomi and to the Wisdom Council.” - Alison Bates



1. Do I need experience to join this program?
No! Come as you are. This program is designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey.

2. What is the format of this program?
This is a self-paced program that you can complete on your own time, with lifetime access to all content.

3. What if I’m unsure I can afford it?
Can you afford not to do this program?

Think of it this way: A single therapy session costs about $150 per hour—this program is the equivalent of at least a year of deep work and is currently only $222.

Imagine one year from now, still facing the same struggles. What if this was the key to freeing yourself?

4. What if I don’t like the program? Can I get a refund?
We do not offer refunds. We trust that your Resonance will guide you to this course if it is aligned for you.

5. How do I know if this is for me?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes, place one hand on your heart and one on your belly. Ask yourself—Is this a yes?

If you feel the call, trust it.

6. I’ve signed up for programs before that didn’t work—how do I know this will?
You will get out of it what you put into it.

This isn’t just information, it’s integration. The tools, teachings, and rituals in this course work—but you have to show up for yourself.

There is no better time than now to build a strong relationship with yourself, your evolution, and your remembering.