Christina Anne Verdone {Nevada City, CA}
Hi, Beautiful Soul!
My name is Christina Anne Verdone.
I am a Somatic Womb Alchemist, Clinical Ayurvedic Health Specialist, Herbalist and Cacao Facilitator Initiate.
I am also a schoolteacher and lifelong lover of nature, animals and children. I am currently working with homeschool families and teaching K-8th grade in a small charter school in Nevada City, California…while creating my Womb Health and Healing practice.
“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete…”
Louise Hay
I’m honored to walk with you through your healing journey. I’m very passionate about helping women and womb carriers to develop a deep connection to their womb and body, have curiosity about their moon cycle and rhythms and create a healthy, trusting relationship with themselves.
Much of this wisdom has not been taught in Western medicine or shared in homes growing up, and it’s imperative to embody these aspects to survive trauma and transmute painful life experiences.
When we meet what arises without judgment, blame or avoidance, our defenses soften and our heart opens, allowing us to see our patterns, know ourselves, and take personal responsibility for our health and healing.
My Personal Healing Journey
My mom swam a mile a day when she was pregnant with me until the day I was born, which is likely why I’m so connected to the water element and water spirits.
She said I burst out of her womb a million miles an hour, and I’ve never quit; hence, my sharp mind, endless fire and tenacious personality.
My health challenges started out of the womb. I was born with a cyst on my breast and a staph infection, which I gave to my mom while nursing, and at 6 months old, tubes were put in my ears to drain them until I was 12.
I was a very happy and active child, though sick a lot, and constantly facing one health issue after another.
I was very creative as a child, and I was so in love with gymnastics! I started menstruating heavily at 12, and in striving to be perfect and keep my “little girl” body, I became severely anorexic and bulimic for the next 10 years. (Many years later, I learned the deeper root was attached to self-hatred and blame for my parent’s divorce and my need to control).
Though I was tall and extremely thin, I saw myself as “fat” and not “good enough.” My body image was a total mental distortion.
Having to get 11 dental fillings is what finally woke me up to see the detriment of what I was doing to my body, mind and spirit. I was completely disconnected from my body.
I lost my virginity through rape in my teens, then became pregnant at 21 and had an abortion. With health issues worsening, I suffered from severe depression and anxiety and had a really hard time focusing on anything.
The next decade was filled with an endless quest to figure out what was “wrong” with me, and who could help me.
I tried to heal with medications and 17 years of birth control to “regulate” my menstrual cycle.
I read self-help books, took spiritual courses and basically, did everything I could do to try and heal myself, using mostly my mind, which never seemed to stop. Teaching in my first classroom, my body ached daily from here to high heaven. All major autoimmune diseases were ruled out.
I went to a world class healthcare facility in Mexico, and learned I had severe intestinal dysbiosis and systemic candida, so I stopped all medications and cleansed at the highest level possible for weeks, followed up with protocols and consultations.
This approach, along with my boyfriend’s fervent support and introduction to plant medicine, were what sparked my lifelong spiritual journey and desire to have vibrant health.
Soon after, I enrolled at the California College of Ayurveda in Grass Valley, CA. The director said treating myself would be the hardest patient I’d ever have—he was right! This is when I really began to look at my patterns, my lifestyle and my imbalances in a whole new light.
I studied, meditated, worked daily with plant herbs and finally began to slow down and build a healthy relationship to food and myself. After a lifetime of busyness, I discovered that I love being quiet.
Working with patients in my internships was humbling, I learned how to hold others without judgment, work on myself and realize, I don’t need to have all the answers.
At 37, I was diagnosed with a large uterine fibroid and retroflexed womb, which was really painful and debilitating to my daily function and ability to get pregnant. I had severely heavy moon cycles, anemia and frequent blood transfusions.
Being in a toxic and severely abusive relationship in my early 40’s worsened my emotional and womb pain and compounded the trauma I held in my body. I was clear that I wanted to keep my uterus, though every doctor suggested a hysterectomy.
This pattern went on for 10 years, until I had a 3rd surgery to remove the fibroid and endometriosis in 2020, a few months after I had started my journey on the Wise Womb Medicine Path with my teacher, Naomi Love.
My Wise Womb Journey
“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”
~Maya Angelou
I learned about the Wise Womb from a dear sister right before lock-down in 2020.
After feeling an absolute “yes” in the midst of our world’s chaos, I joined the Resonance Ritual classes a few weeks later. Though I’d spent years with varied healing modalities, something was missing…
I needed something to connect the dots from all that I’d done, to help unravel all the trauma that’d been stored in my body and womb and to separate what was mine, and what clearly, was not mine. Without all the stories, without all the self-blame…
Just being real with what was present and focusing on where I wanted to be. From the beginning, learning with Naomi and living the Wise Womb Medicine Path has felt like home, where all of me is welcome, the beautiful parts, messy parts and all!
Apprenticing with Naomi Love for the past 3 years has helped change the way I relate to myself and my body, and how I relate to others and perceive the world.
I’ve immersed myself in the (Resonance Ritual, Temple of the Womb Apprenticeship, Somatic Womb Alchemy Apprenticeship)
I’ve deepened my spiritual practices to be in my body and connect to my womb and listen to her messages. I learn from my resistance, even when I have severe womb pain, and make adaptations to the Wise Womb Ceremonial Massage as I continue to heal my womb space.
I’ve completely reframed my old limiting beliefs and continue to let go of what isn’t mine, so I can live in my heart and own unique Resonance.
I love that as a teacher, Naomi is right here on the journey with us! She holds us in the most impeccable container, while sharing her sacred wisdom and experiences and building an incredible community…and her humor and ability to be herself are absolutely golden!
The Somatic Womb Alchemy Apprenticeship helped me to see that how I take care of myself and show up for myself, will be reflected in how I care for the people I work with.
I am so grateful to be guided by Naomi and her attention to every single detail in preparing me to hold a truly trauma-informed ceremony or session, which is not just something I learn—it’s something I do over and over and over, again, until it’s in my heart, in my bones—this is the Wise Womb Way.
Naomi has offered unwavering support every single step of the way, and I’m blessed to have all the amazing tools I’ve cultivated, as I’m excitedly building my Womb Health and Healing practice.
Thank you to Naomi Love and the Wise Womb Oracle for reminding me how to live in “right relationship” with everything in my life—with myself, my womb, the plants, animals, spirits, ancestors and the Earth… and how to show up and relate to others and hold space for them in the most sacred and mindful ways.
Thank you for helping me to come home to myself.
Imagine feeling safe in your body and your heart, connected to your womb and your own innate wisdom and living your life in pure Resonance, Trust and Joy!
Somatic Womb Alchemy Sessions
In my Somatic Womb Alchemy sessions, I offer a sacred space for you to ground and explore your inner landscape with a felt sense of comfort and safety to be held and to be yourself.
My gift is meeting you where you are on your journey, with love and compassion and an open heart to listen for how I can best support you. I want you to feel seen and heard.
With the support of the plant allies and helping spirits, sessions may include a myriad of Wise Womb trauma-informed guided meditations, somatic journeying, ceremonies and rituals, music and movement, spiritual prescriptions for session aftercare…and of course, a little humor and a lot of grace!
Life is a multifaceted and spiral journey where we remember, then forget, then remember, over and over, again. I will gently guide you to remember how to be in your heart and body, how to soften the egoic mind and how to connect naturally to your womb wisdom so you can build a trusting relationship with yourself.
“Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places you thought you never would.”
E.V. Rogina
When I’m not teaching or working, I can be found joining sacred Women’s Circles, playing in nature, dancing to live music, hula hoop dancing, making magical herbal potions, volunteering at the local cat shelter and loving up my two beloved kitties.
Please email me to see if we are a match, and how I may support you. I would be honored to journey with you!
With Love & Gratitude,
Christina Anne Verdone
“Christina, you are a beautiful joyful soul.
Thank you for giving me the space to explore and connect to my womb while being fun, honest and personable.
You made me feel safe, allowed me to ask questions, and always let me check in with you.
You guided me through a new experience and I hope we can work together soon! You rock! I wish I could hug you :) I'm grateful and proud of your journey.”
- Julia Sensenig